Would you like to know about tact? The good news is that there are people who are very much on top of this. The bad news is that it can be a pain in the butt to get everything balanced. But my friends tell me that they're doing pretty well.
This site is scanty, but will start you off. Don't forget to read the Overview to research section on this site.
Overview Sites on Thyroid Conditions
NORD is the National Organization for Rare Diseases.
This is an educational site put up by someone who suffers from a thyroid condition. Thyroid Overview
Hypothyroidism and Hashimoto's Disease
This is a nice detailed overview site, although it's written by a bit of a Christian propagandist, but we do aim for at least some equal opportunity linkage....This site also deals with memory loss and Hashimoto's.
Wilson's Thyroid Syndrome
I just read an email from someone with this syndrome, so decided to include it in here. According to About.com, Wilson's is: a "Controversial syndrome identified by former M.D. who believes that stress on the body causes chronic low body temperature and Reverse T3 production."
The Best Clinics and Doctors around.
I did like the New York Thyroid Center's site, so here it is.
I live in the San Francisco Bay Area. Here is a local referral list of doctors and surgeons who specialize in thyroid for this area.
Holistic approach to thyroid disease
Here's an interview with Drs Richard and Karilee Shames on their holistic approach to thyroid disease (Kariles has Hashimoto's)