Sometimes you just want to look at everything out there, trying to find the right toy. You don't necessarily end up buying it on the internet, but it's a great way to educate yourself. Don't forget to check out and craigs list when you're looking for toys.
Toy Stores I have known
I'm sorry, but I really don't like Amazon! I think that their toys are marginal, they are out of stock on all sorts of things, and they don't seem to have many "neat" things.
I like Toys to Grow On, too. Yes, a lot of the toys are (gasp!) plastic, but they are about something. There's an entire bug kit for kids that like bugs, a little mountain with associated animals for an animal kid, a stable for horse kids, and so forth. There is an entire vet play kit! And another one that is an animal store, replete with little animal toys. Obviously I'm talking about the older set (say 4 to 8), but it's nice to see toys that don't turn girls into mindless, drooling pink-wearers, endlessly grooming some wierd platinum blonde doll, you know? And toys that don't have guns on every part of the body that protrudes (sigh).
I think that KB Toys is pretty good.
Hey! I just found a really neat store. The construction site is wonderful. It's got everything to make stuff with.
Waldorf-style/wooden/German toys
By Waldorf-style, I mean a lot of the European stuff, a lot of the hand-crafted, natural material stuff that is used in the Waldorf schools. As a matter of fact, I'm going to insert some suppliers straight from a Waldorf site or two!
A Child's Dream Come True has lots of stuff, including arts, crafts, kits, books, silks, etc. And of course, wool felts! (Don't you often feel the need for a good wool felt?)
Cool toy stores
Here's the shop page on the Ooey Gooey lady's website. You can buy awesome craft books, and the materials to make a raging, roaring, giggling mess.
Genre toy stores
Out of country suppliers
Stuff that looks like fun but are long shots...
Urchin always looks like great fun for toys and such, but it's in England! Hassle factor.
Garden toys