I am just not impressed with the kid stores in the Palo Alto area. I'm not sure what's wrong with them, but there's no zing. They're no fun. Either they're poser, or they're wierd girly girl stores where the girls can buy small t-shirt with fake diamonds all over them.. Ugh. I have given up and just take my kid to the Gap. Or Target. When my child was younger, I loved clothing with ears, clothing with stripes, and so forth. Now that he's older, I am particularly partial to jeans, polo shirts, rugby shirts, and just nice, normal looking clothing, with the occasional neato, coolio t-shirt (with a train or fire engine on it) thrown in. No sport clothing or sports logos. (But that's me.)
Here is the ultimate article on poser kid clothing. I learned a lot from it. Did you know that Harrods.com has a little Barbour jacket for your 3 year old? <laugh> Sure! Why not? Although the lady who writes this column sounds like she's got pretty special parenting techniques....
Stuff for babies
Our favorite stores are in LA and Southern California. Great fun. I am particularly fond of This Little Piggy Wears Cotton, but just for baby stuff. This store seems to be in all sorts of places. Hmmn. Palm Springs, I think. Santa Barbara? Phoenix? And I think that they are also up in the East Bay somewhere, but when I went up to find them one day, believe it or not I got the name confused and looked all over the place for (I kid you not) Three Blind Mice. ouch.
Also, check out the online clothing store listing, below.
Clothing for older kids
I was just following my own advice (after buying sheets) and discovered that Garnet Hill has good kids clothing, too. Well, underwear, at least.
Baby shoes
I just read a testimonial for Robeez shoes on the One Hot Mama website which I thought summed them up pretty well, so I'll include it. Seriously, these are adorable shoes for babies.
Kid shoes
My favorite kid's shoe store is in New York city. Hard to get there, though.