When my son was 2 and a half or so he asked me to teach him Spanish. And we did. For about three years we worked on Spanish. It was great fun. I landscaped our house during this time and many of the workers that we hired spoke at least one form of Spanish or another. My son's first word in Spanish was "pala."
At about three, he was in his stroller one day when he leaned back and said "I'm from Mexico." Cool.
And then we went and tossed the poor kid into a German immersion program, losing all of his Spanish!
My child is now in first grade at the local German immersion school. Here are my notes and resources for learning a foreign language. For now, it is very German-intensive. I hope that we can get back to Spanish, though!
Music for Kids
Interesting-looking sites for getting children's music and lyrics thereof.
From the German Culture website: songs
Here's a site that has educational music for all sorts of stuff. I'm not blown away by the selections but here you go.
The mom who wrote the "tips for raising a bilingual child" above recommends the following groups:
Books for Kids and Bookstores
Good German Websites (for learning German)
Here is information about
Support Groups
Teaching Software
Programs for German Learning
Music and Stuff for Adults Learning German
Websites for Adults Learning German
How to use your first language to learn your second: article
Resources in German as Foreign Language sites
I just had to put this in. It's an awesome list for people learning English.